Ultra and Trail Running with M.U.R.C

Completed Ultra Marathon, Trail Races and Challenges
Here’s what MURC runners have been up to in the past year or so, all of these with successful completions:
- Race Across Scotland 215 miles
- St Oswald’s Way Completion (personal challenge)
- Chester 100 miles
- Pilgrims Way 100K
- Race to the Stones 100K
- The Fox Way Ultra (3rd place podium finish)
- Chester 50 miles
- Montane Summer Spine Sprint
- The Lap (clockwise and anticlockwise)
- Wolds Way 44 miles
- Isaac’s Tea Trail (V50 age category win)
- Ripon Stinger
- North Face Kendal Skyline
- Warrington Way Ultra
- Pendle Way in a Day 30 Miles
- Tyne Bridges to Boundaries 50K
- Heaton Park Loop 8 hour Challenge
- The Whopper 6 hour Challenge
- See York Run York 6 hour Challenge
- Cowshed Backyard Ultra
- God’s Own Backyard Ultra
- Manchester Backyard Ultra
- George Fisher Espresso Round
- Kentmere Horseshoe Fell Race
- Green Getaways 20 (V50 age category win)
- Multiple races in the Lakeland Trial Series
- Ingram Lakes, Trails and Hills Series
- Allendale Challenge Trail Marathon
- Coniston Trial Marathon
- Doynton Hard Half
- Dalby Forest Trail Half
- Numerous local fell races

Upcoming Ultra Marathon and Trail Races
M.U.R.C. has an active community of trial and ultrarunners preparing for a wide variety of races, including:
- Race Across Scotland 215 miles
- Grand Union Canal 145 miles
- Summer Spine Challenger South
- Lakes Traverse
- Cheviot Goat
- Winter Downs 55 miles
- Pennine Journey North 54 miles
- Summer Spine Sprint North
- Great Glen Ultra
- Salomon Skyline Jacobite 100K
- The Wall 70 miles
- Ultra X Wales 110K
- Chester 50 miles
- Manchester to Liverpool Ultra
- Devil O’The Highlands Ultra
- Forth Ultra
- Lulworth Cove Ultra
- Isaac’s Tea Trail Backwards
- Race to the Stones
- Chiltern Ridge 50K
- Limitless Trails Tenacious 10 Hours
- Manchester Backyard Ultra
- God’s Own Backyard Ultra
- Anglezark Amble
- Beast of the Blacks 20
- Punk Panther Trail 20 Mile Series
- Cleevewold Trail Half
- 5 Trigs Fell Race
- Lakeland Trail Race Series
- Numerous local fell races
- Recce days for upcoming races are organised to get runners together whenever we can (pictured). Recce currently planned for Lakes Traverse

Athlete News and Monthly Highlights
Here’s a taste of what’s been happening over the past year or so in the MURC camp! Want to get in on the action? Head to the connect page to get in touch and find out how my coaching could benefit you.
Sep – Nov 2024
- Runners taking on a Backyard Ultra for the first time at Manchester and Cowshed – several distance PBs achieved
- Sub 20min 5K PB as well as PBs at marathon distance and no less than 5 half marathon PBs
- Successful personal challenge of completing the 120 mile St Oswald’s Way

June – Aug 2024
- Successful completion of the 215 mile Race Across Scotland – uncrewed and at the first time of asking
- 17th female at Race to the Stones 100K on a first attempt at this distance
- 4 runners completing Isaac’s Tea Trail Ultra, one with an age categoy prize
- 3rd successful completion of Summer Spine Sprint

March – May 2024
- 3rd Place Podium finish at the Fox Way Ultra
- 2 successful first time ultra completions at the Lap and Tyne Bridges to Boundaries
- Gold Buckle at Chester 100 after a DNF a previous year
- More PBs, including 1.5 hours off a marathon PB at Manchester Marathon

Dec 2023 – Feb 2024
- Group visit to National Running Show
- Start of Isaac’s Tea Trail group training
- 1st Lady at Fewston and Swinsty Trail Marathon
- Runner wins her club’s Endeavour Award
- Several 10K PBs

Sept – Nov 2023
- First-time ultra runner finish at the Lap
- Strong finish at Pilgrims’ Way 100K
- Several Half Marathon PBs
- 15 yards completed on a first attempt at a Backyard Ultra
- Getting local runners together for some track sessions working on technique