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I coach athletes who have just started running right through to competitive club athletes and ultra-marathoners. I have successfully coached athletes to reach their goals at all distances, as well as those who don’t want to race but just want to reach personal targets. I will always provide you with a plan which is completely personal and targeted towards achieving your current goals. I can also help you with goal-setting if you want to have a focus but not sure what this should be.

Please see my range of options below. Feel free to contact me if you’d like more information or want to discuss more customised options. Whilst I always prefer to work with athletes individually, if you want to simply purchase a training plan for a specific event with no further interaction from me then please head to my profile on Training Peaks ( where you will find my stand-alone plans.

Event Preparation

£75/£85/£95 for a 3/4/5 month plan

I always prefer to work individually with someone, but if you just want a structured, individually-tailored plan to help you prepare for a specific event, this plan may be right for you. You can expect:

  • Introductory consultation and questionnaire to establish your experience, goals and requirements
  • Progressive and individualised training programme provided via Training Peaks to prepare you for your event
  • A Strength and Conditioning programme for either gym or home-based sessions, broadly targeted to your experience level and any identified weaknesses
  • Access to the MURC WhatsApp community and training resources
  • Note that I don’t usually offer plans for more than 5 months due to the number of variables which can occur over this period, but feel free to get in touch to discuss your individual requirements

Individual Coaching

£60 pcm

This great value package is mostly on-line and ensures you have as much contact, feedback and analysis as you need to make long-term progress. It includes:

  • Introductory questionnaire to establish your experience, goals and requirements
  • Initial testing to establish your thresholds, periodic review of thresholds and other markers
  • Training programme via Training Peaks, with sessions set weekly in advance
  • An Annual Training Plan to allow strategic planning of your training over the year
  • Bespoke S&C programme reflecting your current experience, goals and identified strengths/ weaknesses
  • Feedback (usually daily) on each running session and data analysis via Training Peaks
  • Changes to your programme as needed
  • Contact via WhatApp/email/phone as needed, in addition to scheduled review calls every 4-6 weeks
  • Access to the MURC WhatsApp community, Strava club and training resources
  • Invitation to ad hoc in-person social runs and training sessions

Ultra Coaching Plus

£70 pcm OR £200 for a 3 month block

Some long (100mile+)/ multi-day ultras, or self-supported events, demand substantial additional planning and involvement and so are best suited to this package. It includes:

  • Individual Coaching option PLUS:
  • Coach assessment of route, terrain, elevation profile to allow for specifically targetted sessions
  • Advice on recces. Where possible, help to organise these, or inclusion within the group run calendar open to other coached athletes
  • Help with planning for leg breakdowns, timings, checkpoint routines etc
  • Advice on other related issues such as clothing, kit options,nutrition planning, psychological aspects of ultrarunning
  • Other support/ input as agreed between us based on your individual needs